Title: Propose SongArtist: 4Men
Label: Happy Face Entertainment
Release Date: May 7, 2013
Rating: 8.5 out of 10
My Say: Another beautifully sung song by 4Men and I've come to like this trio a lot, probably too much. I suppose I put this group on a pedestal that might of been too high. What I mean by that is how much I was excepting from this video, which was a new concept, maybe the group themselves, or just something that would make this video distinctive. Since Thank You was released not too long ago, I think that this video reminds me too much of Thank You, which I'm not so crazy about. I know there's people that think otherwise and maybe your right so I rated this video without Thank You in mind. The video goes with the theme of the song, has a romantic touch to it, and I don't really have anything bad to say about the video nor anything exceptional to say. Overall, its a good song and nice video, I would recommend this song to new fans since you may not critic the video as much as I do so you'll be able to enjoy it better than I did.