Monday, March 17, 2014

Toheart Delicious MV Review

Posted by AyeGirl at 3:13 PM

Title: Delicious
Artist: Toheart
Release Date: March 10, 2014
Rating: 8 out of 10

My Say:   Let me make it clear, I'm a Shawol to the bone and even though Key's not my bias, he's one of my favorite people in k-pop. But that doesn't mean I'm going to automatically fall in love with every video he's in. I enjoyed this video but by the end I felt like something was missing and I was a bit disappointed. The best part of the MV isn't actually the MV, which is the ending clip of Key and Woohyun in the bathroom.

     The "theme" of this MV is that Key and Woohyun are fighting over the same girl just as the song describes but I don't think the theme was played out well enough in the video. There's many ways this video could of been edited but this version seems a bit rushed. Most of the video is just solo shots of the boys or the choreography which doesn't help with the plot of the video. Also, the invisible girl doesn't help either, I
understand that a girl doesn't need to be cast in every video, but because this video was so oddly put together it needs something to reel me in. As a matter of fact, it would of been better if the made the video was into a POV perspective, making the viewers the girl they're fighting over so that there could be a spice factor to this video. For me personally, this video didn't really need to add much of a romantic theme to it; I would of been fine if it kept to a comedic vibe with the Key and Woohyun in their apartment. Though it may seem like I dislike this video, I actually don't, it was an ok video but I know if it was another group or a rookie group people wouldn't have enjoyed as much as they did.

     On the other hand, the song is very catchy, vibrate, and exactly what I expected from Key. Once I heard the the preview of their album Delicious automatically became my favorite. Hearing Key in the background chant so delicious, so delicious instantly made me hooked. Woohyun's vocals are incredible, I'm not that big of a Infinite fan so I was never aware of his voice, which makes me glad that Key teamed up with him. The choreography was great, I absolutely love seeing Key dance, I swear that it's, delicious. Woohyun was good too and the choreography gave them both enough shine that one doesn't overpower the other. I saw the full choreo during their showcase and it's definitely displayed their chemistry. The lyrics are a bit repetitive but doesn't reach annoying, which is the recipe for an addicting song. I've already begun singing this song out of the blue or mid conversation. Watch the video and tell me what you think, do you agree with me and think that something is missing or am I just crazy and expected too much from the MV.

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